
Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair
  • Catalin Hritcu and Amal Ahmed co-organized a Dagstuhl Seminar on Secure Compilation (18201)

  • Harry Halpin and Bart Preneel co-organized the ECRYPT-CSA workshop on Crypto Policies (22-23 January 2018) in Brussels, Belgium.

Member of the Organizing Committees
  • Catalin Hritcu and Amal Ahmed were organizers for PriSC 2018 and the upcoming PriSC 2019

Scientific Events Selection

Chair of Conference Program Committees
  • Catalin Hritcu was the PC chair for the 2nd Workshop on Principles of Secure Compilation (PriSC) at POPL 2018

  • Harry Halpin was General Chair of the 1st Workshop on the Decentralization of Governance at INSCI 2018

Member of the Conference Program Committees
  • Bruno Blanchet was PC member of RESSI 2018 (Rendez-vous de la Recherche et de l'Enseignement de la Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information).

  • Catalin Hritcu was PC member of EuroS&P 2018, ESOP 2018, and CCS 2018

  • Karthikeyan Bhargavan was PC member of IEEE S&P 2018, ACM CCS 2018, and POST 2018

  • Harry Halpin was PC Member of SSR 2018, ACM WWW 2018, and ISWC 2018.

  • Catalin Hritcu served as a reviewer for the Journal of Automated Reasoning (JAR)


Member of the Editorial Boards
Associate Editor
  • of the International Journal of Applied Cryptography (IJACT) – Inderscience Publishers: Bruno Blanchet

Invited Talks

  • Catalin Hritcu gave an Invited Keynote talk at the Working Formal Methods Symposium (FROM) in June 2018

  • Catalin Hritcu gave invited talks at Nomadic Labs (Tezos), IRIF Verification Seminar (Paris 7), and SoSySec seminar (IRISA Rennes)

  • Karthikeyan Bhargavan gave invited talks at Security Standardization Research (SSR 2018), Formal Methods and Tools for Security (FMATS 2018), Crypto Welcomes TLS 1.3 (CWTLS), and the annual GDR Securité meeting.

  • Harry Halpin gave invited talks at the EPFL Summer Research Institute in July 2018, the Web 3.0 Summit in October 2018, and Binance Labs in December 2018.

Leadership within the Scientific Community

  • Catalin Hritcu served as the Artifact Evaluation Co-Chair for POPL 2018 and POPL 2019

Scientific Expertise

  • Bruno Blanchet is a member of the specialized temporary scientific committee of ANSM (Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé), on the cybersecurity of software medical devices.

  • Bruno Blanchet participated to a review of the code of the Tezos blockchain by the Inria Foundation (March–May 2018).

  • Harry Halpin participated as a member of the advisory board to the PANORAMIX EC H2020 project (2018).

Research Administration

  • Bruno Blanchet was co-president of the Inria hiring committee for PhD, post-docs, and délégations (Commision des Emplois Scientifiques, CES).

  • Bruno Blanchet was representative of Inria Paris at the DIM RFSI (Domaine d’Intérêt Majeur, Réseau Francilien en Sciences Informatiques).